Round by Round Games and Discussion

Discussion in 'ORFFU' started by Tomster, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Commish, it looks like you have some work to do. I posted this Saturday prior to the Suns-Lions game, after it was announced that Shaw had the dreaded green vest. Late change for the Barcrawlers.....
    Matthew Shaw: OUT
    Clay Cameron: IN

    Cameron goes on to the field in defence while Shaw becomes Def. Emergency.
    If lockout was prior to the first game Friday, then this change should be reversed. As the Barcrawlers won by 12 and the difference here was 16 then the result should also be reversed and Pakenham get the win by 4. I was not aware that lockout was before the 1st game, although the rules are there for all to see. I was waiting on all games to see who got the vest. However I'm not aware of how many team changes were made directly on the tsLeagues page, after Friday's lockout, without be posted on this thread. Is there a time stamp on that page? I would also like to ask what constitutes a 'split round'. Is Rd2 a split round where the 1st game was on a Thursday. I don't believe it is, as the round was played over 4 consecutive days instead of 3, then that round also needs to be checked for changes made after the 1st game on Friday If it's too difficult and time consuming to go back and check all 18 games over Rds2-3, do we let the results stand and enforce the rule from here on in.
  2. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Walesy mentioned earlier that he has timestamps on TS Leagues changes - so I've asked him to confirm a couple of times for us.
  3. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Didn't mean to throw the cat amongst the pigeons with my last comment just wanted to be clear. It really doesn't affect my match as there were no changes made so not fussed as to the ruling, just wanted to clarify for my own info.
  4. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey fellas, Let's get one thing straight here. I don't have a problem with the result from our game in Rd3 being reversed. Rules are rules. And I, unknowingly played an ineligible player so the result should go to ddsaints' Pakenham Parasites. I just want to be sure that every team in our League plays by the same rules. If that means every game needs to be checked in Rds2 and 3, then so be it. Once that is done, then we'll all know the correct ladder positions, and we can go from there.
  5. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    And here comes the woefully inadequate reporting. :D Banchang Barcrawlers[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 5 2014 3:29PM <p >Groote Eylandt Barracudas[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 12:41PM Eden Whalers[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 11:34AM
    Pearcedale Panthers[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 10:44AM
    Ararat Armadillos[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 8:36AM
    Christmas Island Smugglers[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 8:25AM
    Pakenham Parasites[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 6:16PM
    Gisborne Grenades[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 5:00PM
    Goondiwindi Goannas[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 4:42PM
    Serengeti Buffalos[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 4 2014 2:47PM
    Cow Bay Crocs[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 3 2014 10:33PM
    Coolgardie Prospectors[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 3 2014 9:59PM
    Staghorn Flat Bulls[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 3 2014 9:24PM
    Blanchetown Bunyips[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 3 2014 7:50PM
    Southern Cross Sandgropers[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 3 2014 7:40PM
    King Island Monarchs[span class='Apple-tab-span] Apr 3 2014 7:20PM <div id='radePasteHelper' style='position: absolute; left: -10000px; border: 0px solid red; top: 235px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;][span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18.200000762939453px; background-color: #ffffff;]Manangatang Orangutans[span class='Apple-tab-span' style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18.200000762939453px; background-color: #ffffff;][span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18.200000762939453px; background-color: #ffffff;]Mar 31 2014 12:21PM
    [span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18.200000762939453px; background-color: #ffffff;]Korumburra Blowflys[span class='Apple-tab-span' style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18.200000762939453px; background-color: #ffffff;][span style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18.200000762939453px; background-color: #ffffff;]Mar 31 2014 9:37PM
  6. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    I think those times are actual time, not wacky server time. :D Anyways, of any change- let me know if when I need to re-run the ladder script to bring any changes through.
  7. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We are all still learning, this is new for all of us. I think this time the mistake can be forgiven, but let this be a reminder that if anyone else makes the same mistake then it will be not be looked upon in the same way
  8. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    I'll take the win thanks. The rules had been clearly stated, we should stick by them.
  9. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    This mistake isn't forgiven Tomster, I'd rather have the results reversed. I won fairly, choppers is happy to have it reversed, problem solved. I thought this lockout business was sorted weeks ago.
  10. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ddsaints wrote:
    This mistake isn't forgiven Tomster, I'd rather have the results reversed. I won fairly, choppers is happy to have it reversed, problem solved. I thought this lockout business was sorted weeks ago. I Agree with this. We agreed on the rules way back when - I've been playing by these rules although I knew I had made some poor selections - so if anyone was unaware or had forgotten then its their own fault / tough luck. Sorry Choppers, but you technically 'cheated' and DDSaints would have won otherwise, so for mine the win goes to Pakenham.
  11. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As I stated earlier, I have no problem with ddsaints getting the win, as I inadvertantly played outside the rules. Pakenham would have won that game had I not made that late change. I have contacted both he and Tomster by im and explained the situation. I still believe that Rd2's games should also be checked for any oversights (changes after lockout) that may have occurred. And no worries JPK, the barcrawl is still on after the game, even after you suggested the Banchang Barcrawlers coach 'cheated'......55555
  12. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    I presume the round 2 oversights could only be from you choppers, did you make late changes then? Did it change the outcome of your match? If so we have a problem. Honesty would be good from coaches who think they made an oversight in round 2
  13. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ddsaints wrote:
    I presume the round 2 oversights could only be from you choppers, did you make late changes then? Did it change the outcome of your match? If so we have a problem. Honesty would be good from coaches who think they made an oversight in round 2 I didn't mean myself there, ddsaints as I don't recall making any changes but that's not so say I didn't. I just can't remember. If I did, then only the points for/against would change as I lost that game to E-E. No, I meant were there any changes made by anyone, after the start of the game on Friday, 28th March. if so, then those scores need to be checked too.
  14. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    As I stated earlier, I have no problem with ddsaints getting the win, as I inadvertantly played outside the rules. Pakenham would have won that game had I not made that late change. I have contacted both he and Tomster by im and explained the situation. I still believe that Rd2's games should also be checked for any oversights (changes after lockout) that may have occurred. And no worries JPK, the barcrawl is still on after the game, even after you suggested the Banchang Barcrawlers coach 'cheated'......55555 Now you're cheating me out of a barcrawl. I thought we were starting BEFORE the game!
  15. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    JPK wrote:
    choppers wrote:
    As I stated earlier, I have no problem with ddsaints getting the win, as I inadvertantly played outside the rules. Pakenham would have won that game had I not made that late change. I have contacted both he and Tomster by im and explained the situation. I still believe that Rd2's games should also be checked for any oversights (changes after lockout) that may have occurred. And no worries JPK, the barcrawl is still on after the game, even after you suggested the Banchang Barcrawlers coach 'cheated'......55555 Now you're cheating me out of a barcrawl. I thought we were starting BEFORE the game! Nah mate, it's the Welcoming Buffet before the game, guaranteed to give your team [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]the runsmore running capacity. The barcrawl is after the game. There could be a major announcement in the next day or two, which might make the barcrawl even betterer.
  16. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've sent Walesy another PM asking for R2 timestamps, just to make sure. From here on out what I think we'll need is atleast 2 people (basic cross-checking) to go onto the TS Leagues Matchday tab just before Friday bouncedown and confirm that all teams are in. They don't necessarily have to be the same people each week, and I wouldn't think they'd need to report back, unless there is conjecture, in which case we'd want to know that someone checked and someone can concur. Unfortunately I'm normally driving home from work when the Friday night game starts, so I can't always be relied upon to check to make sure all teams are in.
  17. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    JPK wrote:
    choppers wrote:
    As I stated earlier, I have no problem with ddsaints getting the win, as I inadvertantly played outside the rules. Pakenham would have won that game had I not made that late change. I have contacted both he and Tomster by im and explained the situation. I still believe that Rd2's games should also be checked for any oversights (changes after lockout) that may have occurred. And no worries JPK, the barcrawl is still on after the game, even after you suggested the Banchang Barcrawlers coach 'cheated'......55555 Now you're cheating me out of a barcrawl. I thought we were starting BEFORE the game! Nah mate, it's the Welcoming Buffet before the game, guaranteed to give your team [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]the runsmore running capacity. The barcrawl is after the game. There could be a major announcement in the next day or two, which might make the barcrawl even betterer. Now I'm all excited!!!!!! Will the major announcement involve cheating? (sorry, I promise thats the end of it).
  18. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    So I'm guessing I will get the win now? You'll get that sorted commish?
  19. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ddsaints wrote:
    So I'm guessing I will get the win now? You'll get that sorted commish? All sorted, dd. The ladder has now been changed, showing Packenham with 3 wins.
  20. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    Thanks Choppers.

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