Sky Racing Star Stable - Autumn Carnival Fantasy comp

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by Bearfly, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Mosheen already in the stable and scoffing the oats :)

    Manawanui is certainly the big in this week, and will ride him all the way (hopefully me being well overweight won't hurt his chances)!!!

    Haven't heard much about Lazer Hawk, so will have to research further. Surely Moment of Change bears some close scrutiny as well.

    Am also looking at Potions - although worth only $60k for the winner, I feel this one could snatch a couple of wins between now & end of the comp.
  2. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Raceway the other IN to start shoring things up for the GS.

  3. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We're now top 50 (50th).
    Top day's racing and we're lucky to have so many great horses around ATM. How good was Mosheen?
    Jade Marauder very good in the 2YO to win from so far back but can't see any 2YO better than Samaready at this stage.
    Bloody Raceway - missed the kick in the other 2YO and then continued to duck in down the straight. Good horse but not yet genuine.
    And if I may - Nobby Snip!!! Where'd I pull that from? (Don't answer)
  4. graeme

    graeme Guest

    time to push on to top 20 or better guys (and lady partners)

    While Shoot Out and Streama as favourites look like good transfers, I think a judicious move into Samaready ($100) might be rewarding this week and in the Slipper.

    All thoughts reviewed with interest, especially now your dissertation on Port is being reviewed Bear!
  5. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree chels.
    A quick look at Streama and others was dismissed in favour of Samaready and Sth'n Speed.
    It wont give me the strongest stable for tomorrow but sets things up much better for the GS and BMW.

    Now, where were we? That's right 1-0-3 or 2-0-2 in the rucks!!???
  6. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With me already having Southern Speed in the stable munching away at a fortune of oats & committed to grabbing Samaready in prep for the GS, my thoughts are on who to bring in with my 2nd trade.

    Will have to scour the fields tomorrow and look to see if anything running Saturday catches my eye - in the meantime, as Whips says, 1-0-3 or 1-1-2 or 2-0-2 ruck combo - the dilemmas!!!
  7. graeme

    graeme Guest

    May just be changing my mind on brining in Samaready this week. May go back to plan a and hook in Shoot Out anf Streama as they look to have some big races later in the carnival. Two trading sessions - with low value races next week - should be enough to get set for the Slipper. Good luck to everyone

    2-0-2 rucks to generate big points!
  8. ckhoo888

    ckhoo888 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey guys, not part of your league but just wanted to chat and discuss star stable. Brought in Samaready and he was impressive in his win today, Pierro too and not sure if I need more then 2 runners for the GS? I'm thinking of adding American to my stable for the BMW (already have Maghiar and Southern Speed), what are your thoughts? Thinking I want 3 horses each for BMW/GS since the prize money is massive for 1-3rd for both races. Then slowly exchange those expensive/spelled horses into runners for the Derby (900k 1st)/Doncaster (1.2M 1st). Any suggestions on good rosehill guineas/derby horses? (thinking of Laser Hawk after his 3rd behind Mosheen)
  9. graeme

    graeme Guest

    sounds like a good plan ckhoo888. Americain is a necessity for mine as is Manighar (if you do not have him already). Have not seen the 2 year old races yet, did Gai's colt go well? Keep an eye out for other Sky Stable events and please join in the chat ckhoo888.

    Traded in Samaready and Streama and went with Nash as the hoop so feeling pretty happy right now. Streama and That's the One would be icing on the cake.
  10. ckhoo888

    ckhoo888 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks mate, yeah American is necessary especially after seeing Shoot Out struggle today in Manighar's win in the Ranvet Stakes (Manighar I have). Pierro just snuck in to win from Epaulette (Gai's colt) but Samaready won impressively. I brought in C.Brown as hoops but I was thinking of Nash... :( But at least he still has one win so far.

    I did the same as yourself and brought in Streama and Samaready. Hoping Streama and Wild + Proud (cheapo!) can win haha but goodluck to you too mate. Thinking of getting maybe Pierro next week and Laser Hawk to cover GS/Guineas/Derby. No idea about which hoop (will look later). How about yourself? Anything catching your fancy?
  11. ckhoo888

    ckhoo888 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    streama bit of a dudd, can never count out the older horses e.g king's rose and secret admirer but didn't guess ofcourseican to win :O! wild and proud snuck in for 3rd in a later race otherwise pretty ordinary day. time to check out rosehill guineas horses haha
  12. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bloody got screwed manighar trade in went missing
  13. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    take heart weazel, that happened to me before the Australian Cup with the first round of trades - hence why i'm propping up the league on my shoulders!!!
  14. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thank you for your email.

    It appears that trade was never made. Unfortunately it is not possible to make any changes to stables from past race meets.

    Kind Regards,

    Sky Racing's Star Stable Support
  15. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thanks for nothing a-holes lol
  16. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    yes bearfly i only got done out of 240k not 600k might have to do screenshots now
  17. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    and seriously you must have an awesome stable if you are only making 1 trade a week
  18. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i sent this if i take a screen shot of my stable and it happens again you are saying nothing can be done.
    and got this reply. they still prob won't do anything i'd be spewin if i was anywhere near the top

    Thank you for your email.

    Please take a screenshot of your stable after you have completed your trade and if you experience anything like this again then please forward it to us.

    Kind Regards,

    Sky Racing's Star Stable Support
  19. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah, I reckon this has been a pretty ordinary comp. Personally, I've escaped the issues as I need to make trades late Friday. Hence struggling over options right now.
    All Too Hard must come in. But then I've got nothing in the Guineas and therefore nothing prepared for the Derby - so I think Laser Hawk amongst many options needs to come in???
    Spare cash is good but not quite enough there to bring in Americain for the BMW unless I dump Raceway and/or Sth'n Speed next week. Ouch!!
    It's the business end - meant to be hard.
    Good luck.
  20. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    After having a long look through the fields and form I found it very hard to go past Silent Achiever in the Rosehill Guineas - Roger James doesn't waste his time setting his horses for raids over the pond, and with her form, and track conditions/distance in her favour, she'll be in the finish I reckon.
    Also couldn't go past bringing All Too Hard in this week, with the aim to recruit Samaready & Ashokan next week ready to take the first 4 places in the Slipper (fingers crossed).

    Now just have to decide on which hoop to go for - am leaning towards Hugh, but could easily end up plumping for Corey or Nash before lock-out.

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