Supercoach opens tonight!

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Jan 28, 2016.

By walesy on Jan 28, 2016 at 5:38 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Bam! 6 and a half more hours.

    Then another kajillion hours of tweaking.

    Then lots of cursing.

    Then it's the off season again.

    Ah, the circle of Supercoach, how I love thee.
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Jan 28, 2016.

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    1. Tomster
      I'm excited, but sort of dreading it all beginning again. I feel already like I've got too many risky players, only feel confident about 5-6.

      Just out of interest, is there enough interest to set up the division leagues again? Didn't seem to make anything better or worse... Chuck this post a like if you want it again, I'll see if it gets enough interest. Also, if it does go ahead, any ideas/changes?
      • Like Like x 4
    2. ORFFWizard
      Will have to register for SC some time tonight.
      Look forward to see the new layout when I do.
      Had Gold picker from last month so already picked a team then and will see if things change when I register tonight.
    3. port_leschenault
      Can't say this is a good layout. Look at the waste of space which limits the amount of players on screen. Then the whole scrolling issue:

    4. Owen
      They should just do away with the grey square number box, I guess it's positional rank or something.
    5. princeofmugs
      Has anyone found a way to make a 10 team league this year? Not finding the option this time...
    6. Waldo666
      It's definitely there, should have been two options on the first page (I think its the first) when creating a new league,
    7. Waldo666
      Yep, comes up after you select private league, remembering of course you can't set up a 10 man public league
      • Like Like x 2
    8. princeofmugs
      ahhhhhhhh there's my big mistake.
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    9. JPK
      The player selection list and scrolling.... grrrrrrrrrr

      Its going to take all summer just to scroll to the bottom of the list and select my players!
    10. ORFFWizard
      Registered my team.
      Taking a step back for a moment and taking a look at it, I see 6 Essendon players in it.
      I feel dirty and surely cannot go with this ?
    11. walesy
      Each and everyone a bargain considering...
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    12. snoz
      How do you find that number Walesy - I reckon I was pretty quick off the draw....1 minute in.
    13. walesy
      In the league tab, inspect your name.

      The div around it will have a class called Id-135 with that being your number.
    14. Len
      At 3528 I clearly overslept.. ;)
      • Like Like x 1
    15. GaryReal
      MANY more improvements to come!!! I'd like it if you also had to pick one team Feb 1st and then stick with it. Wld be v funny.
      • Like Like x 3
    16. walesy
      I always feel that my team at Feb 1 is always stronger than my actual team (after I over think it to oblivion)

      Might start a post when I get home for people to keep a hold of their Feb 1 squad, to compare and contrast.
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    17. port_leschenault
      The year I started late was the year I had my best finish. I think there's something to not thinking too much about your side too early so that by the end you're second guessing your second guesses. Getting the most information by the end with all that noise helps you judge it all by its merits too.

      Just have to balance it all out I think. Use now to sort out which premiums you like and team structure etc.
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    18. snoz
      snoz beat me. Must be the 15,000 miles the SC site had to travel across the internets to me
      • Like Like x 1
    19. Len
      Did I see somewhere that a ts SC group had started? I thought I had but can't find it.
    20. TheTassieHawk
      I don't remember seeing one at the time but may have been distracted by the ORFFF draft

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