I have a league that a few of my more serious mates are in, but would welcome some competition, particularly with those focussed on winning overall. It's called Serious Stuff so it doesn't meet the guidelines (but I can always change it). Once Tres Serious is filled, know there is another league ready for action.
TS For Some now fully subscribed. Closer to R1 would ask all to identify themselves by their TS user name. This can be done in the brag box provided by SC. Lurking With Intent has already wrapped up the prize for most original team name.
2 gun leagues created only for those who are 'way tooooo serious' called TS Boot Studders & TS Orange Boys...the TS Pine Warmers invites have been sent out to last years players. PM me for the league code but a word of warning, these leagues are for top players only (top 2000 or so) as these leagues were Top 20 last year.
LOL yes - good to see he's "given up the smokes" - personally, I'd have done it prior to my first AFL pre-season but that's how Relton rolls! I'm hoping he carves it back in NT and Sheedy snags him for GWS Giants next year as one of his lateral thinking projects.
@JoshyC, I'm keen to be involved in a solid TS league this year. I'm already in the TS NBA Crew league & I'm going to start up a TS Poker league. I have room for one more league - still learning but I'm improving each year & hope to have a decent crack at the title this year. Let me know if you have any room left in your leagues. Cheers
Just quickly, how many TS general leagues may you enter walesy? I am currently only in one. Is there a limit-cheers?