Trades for Round 7

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Bettsy, May 2, 2011.

  1. AndrewW

    AndrewW New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thinking like many Swallow>Iles/Wallis (already have hibberd) then Duigan>Enright/Adcock
    thoughts of which option is best for both?
  2. Alex

    Alex New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi All,
    Hate to post here but could somebody lead me to the article for loading your team on TS and being able to tinker/play around with it?
    I have registered and try uploading my team but nothing happens and can't find anything other
    P.S. Im ranked 894 All Guns Blazing
    This is a great site, have been poring over stuff here and will post when confident enough to :)
  3. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alex, from the main page, go to your Profile and the instructions for uploading your team are in there.

    Once you've uploaded your team, head for the Stats pages and there will be a filter with Green bars on it which has your team name. Click this filter to just view your 30 players and their various stats, breakevens, etc.
  4. homerj

    homerj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    When you upload your team I think you have to first hit the 'upload button' (obviously) then from memory the same screen comes back and then you have to hit the save button to get your team on your profile. It took me a few goes but persist cos it's definitely worth it!

    This week I think I will trade Duigan for Hibberd which should net me a decent return. But was wondering thoughts on other options. Am considering:
    (1) Trading Swallow to Iles to make even more cash then try to do a double upgrade to prems next week. Dunno if I want to trade swallow yet tho as still has more mooing to do.
    (2) Doing a sideways trade to Iles just get that Spud Irons off my bench. This will cost me $3K but at least Iles will make cash. Worth wasting a trade though? I've only used 3 trades so far
    (3) Or doing a trade of say Dangerfield up to Pav/Judd/Chappy with the money I make from the Duigan trade. Dunno if DField might be worth keeping for awhile though seeing Crows got a pretty good draw in coming weeks.
    Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated!
  5. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pav/Judd/Chappy all sound glamorous enough, but check their BEs carefully first. The rule is sell when your rookies have maxed and buy when your prems have bottomed.
    Swallow to Iles loses a bit of Swallow's potential fat - Harris would be a better candidate. Swallow should be just about ripe when GC have their bye. A place has to be found for Fletcher this week, so wait and see if Hibberd selected. Agree Irons unlikely to get another run based on SANFL form, but there are a few prospects coming up if you don't have worries with cover.
  6. RickJames

    RickJames New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry TiB, I would have to disagree with you there.
    Swallow would be the better trade out as he will net more cash now than Harris before the Bye. If both players get their averages for the next 2 rounds; Harris will net 55K more whereas Swallow is 35K so Harris has more of the mooing to do
  7. dabombers

    dabombers Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Got one of those decisions this week that could make or break a season. Currently ranked 1767 so I think I'm out of the big picture. Been chewing up trades(down to 16 left) to get the cream of rookies and a few small changes/upgrades.

    Current team with finished team positions P1 - P6/7
    (SS = Super Sub, Keeper), (CC = Cash Cow)
    (DM = Dead Meat, Do nothing on these guys)

    B1-Lids, B2-Gibbs, B3-Goddard, B4-Enright, B7-Suckling, SS-Heppell CC-D.Stanley, CC-Lower, CC-Duigan, DM-J.Batchelor.
    M1-Swan, M2-Watson, M3-Boyd, M6/SS-Fyfe, SS-Hibbard,
    SS/CC-Krakouer, CC-Curnow, CC-Libba, CC-Harris.
    Sex-on-the-beach(Set and Forget)
    F1-Franklin, F2-Harvey, F3-Goodes, F6/7-Yarran,
    F6/7 or SS-Higgins, F6/7-Hurley, CC or SS-Darling, CC-Matera, CC-Tapscott, DM-Richardson.

    Bank 185k

    Needs B5 & B6, M4 & M5, F4 & F5.
    10 cashcows(all nearly ripe)=5 upgrades over 5 rounds 10 trades.
    Then 2 midpriced upgrades based on form and upcoming games/byes.

    Targets for positions, F4 - Chappy, F5 - Pav, (others??)
    M4/M5 two of Mundy(maybe too many Freo), Bartel(Same but with Gee), Mitchell/Hodge(and Again), Pendles, Judd, Priddis, Montagna, Others.
    B5/B6 - Newman, Broughton/Duffield, Grimes, H.Shaw, Scotland. Others.

    Really worried about Higgins/Yarran was hoping they would carry me through for a bit longer. But could bring in a super premium like Chappy right away and keep some cash. This would add a week of getting close to a finished team from R12 to R13 or even longer.

    Plan was Duigan down Tappscott to Pav but duigan to who, someone yet to play????

    Hurley - is he a keeper???

    Is Duigan down to L.Thompson a possible trade, missed one price rise but he could make enough by the end of upgrade cycle to still be worth it.

    Is taking a risk on getting in Callinan, Popoullo, Mzungu, Jacobs during the upgrade cycle worth it.

    Is the Duigan downgrade this week the best choice with better choices through the mid-field but mid rookies not fully ripe yet.

    Will proven past performers like Montagna reverse their form slump and be best buys over the current stock of best performers???

    Used too many trades chasing cash to worry about Dead Meat players, Batchelor and Richardson to trade or upgrade them. If they become slow burners great!!
    If not I'm just working with the same bench as last year, no big problems I hope. (Until next batch of Multi Byes!!!!)

    Too many questions too many thoughts... And Its only Tuesday!!!!!!

  8. J_C

    J_C Guest

    Considering a few options this week and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on either of these two?

    1. Pittard > Wallis/Wright/Iles
    Duigan > Enright

    Allows me to offload Duigan with his high BE and would still have enough cash to upgrade to Swan.

    2. Pittard > Wallis/Wright/Iles
    C Richo > Fyfe

    This option allows me to offload the Richo spud but might delay me in bringing in Swan.

    I chose Pittard to go because, even though he may have some growth left, he has the smallest difference of all my rookie mids between his BE and his Avg.

  9. J_C

    J_C Guest

    "would still have enough cash to upgrade to Swan."

    Next week that is, of course. hehe
  10. Moonwalker

    Moonwalker New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah, going Krakouer -> Iles and then Tapscott -> Chapman.
  11. Tino

    Tino Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    New to TS and need some expert advice.

    21 trades with 290k in the bank.

    Got Duigan and Higgins. Was thinking:

    Duigan -> R Murphy
    Higgins -> P Chapman

    Been looking at other potential options if anyone has something outside the square to think of please help.

    Other potential trades could be offloading Heppell, Gaff, Tapscott, Matera or Curnow.

  12. easty01

    easty01 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My thanks to everyone who talked me out of the S.Johnson to J.Riewoldt trade last week - it was one of those ideas that seems great at 3am in the middle of an insomnia-fuelled night :S

    Am looking at the following trades, feedback welcome...

    This week:

    Libba down to Iles
    Duigan up to Adcock

    Next week:

    Stanley down to Hibberd (or Krak down to Harper)
    Swallow up to Chapman

    This culls Duigan just before his drop but Libba, Swallow and Stanley depart a little early

    Brings in Chappy and Adcock before they go up any further and shores up my defence leaving me with 4 keepers in defence, 5 in mids and 5 in fwds (rucks are set)

    Also leaves me a few thousand towards the next round of upgrades.

  13. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nothing wrong with those, easty.

    My concern regarding Adcock, however, is how will Drummond coming back impact on his scoring?

    Gday Tino,
    Welcome to the club, mate.

    Love the idea of trading Higgins to Chappy! It gets a true premium into your forward line, and he could well go up in price given the cats play the Roos at Skilled Stadium. Replacing a DPP with another DPP is an added bonus as well.

    Good on ya also for realising that Duigan is approaching his culling time. May I suggest either upgrading to a premium or downgrading to a rookie, however? I see your reasoning for looking at Murphy, he is a better player and is scoring rather well at the minute. However, I wouldn't have Murphy in the top7 defenders at the end of the year, which is ideally what you'd be looking for in a player to bring into the side.

    As a general rule of thumb, you either want to make money on a trade by trading to a cheapy, or add to the number of premiums in your side by bringing in the big guns in their positions. So while Duigan->Murphy is a definite upgrade, it could be a bit stronger.

    Higgins-Chappy will set you back $122,000 which leaves you with $438,600 when selling Duigan. Unfortunately, you're just a tad off being able to afford players like Enright, Shaw and Adcock, but you have Newman in your price range for example.

    Another idea could be to simply downgrade Duigan to a rookie such as L.Thompson(Adelaide) if you didn't get on him last week, or perhaps Hibbered (Essendon), with the latter being a bit of a risk as we have only seen him play one match against the GC.

    If jumping on a rookie that we havent seen much of is a bit risky, another alternative would be to wait a week and, while he will likely drop a bit in value (~15k if he scores a 50 for example), it could be a small price to pay to get another look at Hibbered before using a trade, or to get a look at perhaps Puopolo(hawks) or Cam Pederson (north).

    As it stands from the Higgins-Chappy trade, you'll have $168k in the bank. You're already bringing in a good points upgrade and have some decent coin left over in the bank, unless you don't have L.Thompson already in the backline (good downgrade option) then I'd almost be inclined to wait a week, wear the 10-15k that Duigan MAY lose and then you'll be in a safer position to judge downgrade options the following week.
  14. Rufus

    Rufus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Im planning:
    Libba -> Iles
    Swallow -> Selwood

    Both are not quite maxed but I've got enough cash to make the trades i set out for the next 4rounds and helps me get my team settled earlier.

  15. demonspud

    demonspud Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TheDojo on May 4, 2011, 07:39
    Im planning:
    Libba -> Iles
    Swallow -> Selwood

    Both are not quite maxed but I've got enough cash to make the trades i set out for the next 4rounds and helps me get my team settled earlier.


    Selwood is yet to drop another 50k or so, and Swallow can make you another 50k, in the coming weeks.

    Sam with Libba, and there will be more cash cows in the mid coming later on.

    How are your other lines?
  16. taminater

    taminater New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ok some thoughts please.

    going for league win only.
    need to free up some cash so can upgrade in teh next few weeks.

    think i will be going duigun- hibberd,
    then i was thinking swallow - illes but after reading a few thoughts here it would be better to wait on him. so maybe get rid of gaff - illes? free up &#36;100k and illies should be a more consistent scorer/cow compared to gaff.

    also i have prestia is he injured, likely to be recalled soon? i want to trade him out but need his MF link.
  17. CHUD

    CHUD New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    taminater- dont think prestia is injured. ive got him too. considering gc's woeful performance on sunday you'd think he'd be in line for a recall before their bye.. all things considered im gonna wait on prestia a few more weeks cause i think there's more money to be made from him. though how much more is to be seen.

    for what its worth i think a LOT of people are weighing up the swallow > illes trade. knowing my luck if i trade swallow out he'll end up pumping out a few 100s!!
  18. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Selwood to score 150 this week against North...

    His value going up rather then down :p (Wishful thinking from a Selwood owner)
  19. jojo89

    jojo89 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi I just some advice for a little dilemma I have if anyone can help would b really appreciated...

    I have bewick, Buckley, Harris, libba in my midfield and I need to make some money as I dnt have any...

    Should I trade in iles/hibberd/wallis for some of those boys or should I trade out duigan in def??
    Little worried about JS though..

  20. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't think people should be completely fixated on getting every dollar out of cows with the increased number we have this year. Swallow going a bit early won't kill you.

    Tino maybe look at moving Duigan upwards this week. Slaughter a cow to allow Duigan to Enright (or similar), and then move on Chapman next week. Higgins won't move in price, and Chapman shouldn't move too much. Just an idea.

    Regarding Adcock and Drummond, I don't think his return will curtail Adcock's scoring too much. Drummond kicks it long rebounding from 50, while Adcock picks up a lot of his possessions in the midfield (as well as half back). Don't think it will be a huge issue.

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