Trading Games 2016

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 21, 2016.

By walesy on Mar 21, 2016 at 4:34 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Welcome Everybody to the 2016 Trading Games league!


    What's it all about?
    Basically every year some of the leaders in the community gather together and choose the players picked in a team we all start with. The players in every team in the group start the same before the round 1 lockout. Then, as the year progresses, and trades are made, the challenge becomes finishing on top of the group with the most points overall. That's it; just use your trades and your emergency/captain picks wisely, and turn the team we all start with into a winning team by scoring the most points.

    Rules:1. EVERYBODY must start with the exact same 30 players. No exceptions.

    2. You don't use your main team, we would prefer if you 'invited' your daughter, wife, grandfather etc to create a team that you help to manage throughout the year. Don't join this league if you don't want to follow rule 1.

    3. Like always, let's have fun and keep positive. Banter is expected and welcomed! Anyway, the whole thing is up in the air for discussion as always. What are your thoughts to make it interesting again this year?

    Throwing this post up to gauge interest in this year's effort. It's getting pretty close to the deadline, so I'll get a team up shortly. Will be very cookie cutter I reckon (Unless there's any objections to that in the comment below)

    Will also have to throw a shoutout to the Two-Time champion, @Buzzboys - you gunna throw down for the triple crown this year?

    How to Join?

    Step 1: Sign up to the Trading Games group

    Step 2: Makes sure you have the correct team entered! Prior to the Melbourne-GWS game the team should look like this:

    Step 3: Choose your captain/vice captain and any emergencies. You could get the jump on the rest of the field with some astute choices even with an identical 30-man squad.

    Step 4: If you wish, you can use DPP to rearrange the 30 players shown above. e.g. Petracca could be brought to the MID line and Wells could become a FWD. Just don't change the squad of 30.

    Good luck everybody and happy trading!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2016


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 21, 2016.

    1. EaglesNest
      Sorry everyone - it has all gone horribly wrong! I logged on earlier when Jason's team was in the opening post and then only got back on after lockout. So I have Rance locked in backs, Kerridge in fwds and no Dustin Martin! I will remove my team both from the group and the league so it doesn't stuff things up for everyone else. Again, my apologies but seeing it was posted I thought Jason's team was the one we were using.
    2. Jason
      Sorry, it was my error that messed it up for you.
    3. walesy
      Could we look to take out one of the big 4 mids perhaps?

      One of the following perhaps?

      Out: Pendles, Aish, Grimley
      In: Oliver, Sheridan, Hall


      Out: Fyfe, Aish, Grimley
      In: Oliver, Yeo, Hall
      • Like Like x 1
    4. EaglesNest
      Haha no worries mate - I couldn't of timed my log in to the blog any worse if I had tried. "My Daughter" will just have to try again next year!
    5. Jason
      We could, but are you proposing to do anything about Ruggles/Hartley at the same time?
      Or is that a given for also changing these two for McCarthy/Papley?
    6. walesy
      Yeah, also the ruggles/hartley changes.
    7. Jason
      Alright, I like walesy's suggestion better than my plan to bring O.McDonald into the team.
      Pendlebury goes in preference to Fyfe, because he is in less overall teams. Toss of the coin otherwise.

      Final team looks like this:


      It is OK between now and full lockout to:
      (a) choose different captains/vice captains/emergencies
      (b) use DPP to swap any of the above 30 players between lines, as you see fit.

      Good luck everybody!
      I'll update the opening post in a moment.
      • Like Like x 4
    8. Buzzboys
      Thanks for your effort guys
    9. anthak
      Sounds like you've got a good team loaded for the start of season. You may as well run with it and see how you go anyway. Just not in this group... :)
      • Like Like x 1
    10. anthak
      Locked in. Thanks @Jason @BrockyFreo @walesy !
      I take it there won't be any more changes to actual players.
      • Like Like x 1
    11. Jason
      That's correct. If there are late changes to selected teams, we'll just have to cop that and trade our way out of it!
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    12. Lucas
      Pendles will be in my team round 2
    13. walesy
      Team is in. Good luck fellas!!
    14. BrockyFreo
      Well done @Jason and @walesy.

      You guys made it happen, and that's a ripper starting team.

      Did you guys see they are giving away $18000 to the league with the highest overall points after round 1? Make sure you all join the league to make it full!

      League Code is 362859 (very important, still need 5 people and my mum wants her $1000!)
      • Like Like x 1
    15. RPritch
      My team is in (as per the official starting team), Menadue was locked in on the bench, not even as emergency for me :( but hopefully I make it up with a captain selection this week
    16. warsaken
      2 or 3 years ago we had league rankings for Trading games 1,2 and about 7 after round 1. Lets do it again!
      • Like Like x 2
    17. Jason
      14 trading teams in the league, yet 18 in the group

      Please sign up if you haven't yet:
      TSrading Games 16A (what is with that name?)
    18. Lucas
      19 teams in the group now with my wife in, so there will be one who misses out on the league...further incentive to sign in.
      • Like Like x 1
    19. The G
      The G
      Great job guys. Looks like we got there in the end. Looking forward to a fun year.
      My brother and I came up with this same concept about a month ago (ie. same starting squad for everyone), and have put together a 10-man league with a few mates. No idea at all that you guys had already been running the same thing for a number of seasons!!! Hope you didn't have it trademarked :)
      • Like Like x 1
    20. bunza52
      Thanks to all of you for getting this across the line in such a short period of time. My wife has entered her team, aptly named Bunza's Wife. I can honestly said that she is reasonably pumped and has high hopes this year!
      • Like Like x 1

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