TS Fantasy NBA 18/19 - register your interest

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Sep 1, 2018.

By anthak on Sep 1, 2018 at 12:46 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi all,

    NBA starts up on October 16th with a huge matchup on opening night of Ben Simmons and the 76ers taking on Banger Baynes and the Celtics!!

    We'll be running Fantasy NBA again here at TS.
    This will be our 9th season on the trot!

    For those that don't know, we use the ESPN platform and run multiple leagues with promotion and relegation each season. We have standard roster sizes and use our own points scoring system.

    Former champions of the Premier League are:
    17/18: @anthak
    16/17: @stowie
    15/16: @stowie
    14/15: @stowie
    13/14: @Mick
    12/13: @Ruddy
    11/12: @Jasmine
    10/11: @dabombers

    Hopefully we can get at least 4 leagues of 12 again.
    I'm keen to get a discussion going about potential changes to our scoring system, and I'll work out all the promotions and relegations and set up the new leagues and draft date etc...

    however first priority is to give y'all an opportunity to register your interest again.

    Let us know in the comments below if you want to join in this season
    • Like Like x 2


Discussion in 'Basketball' started by anthak, Sep 1, 2018.

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    1. HargyBear
    2. crossy
      what day would the draft be ant? cheers
    3. anthak
      Thinking Sunday 14th October.
      We usually do it the last Sunday before opening night.

      I’m hoping to get a new thread going and I’ll announce it then, and start a discussion on scoring.
      • Like Like x 2
    4. Don_Cottagers
      I'm in again and 14 October sounds good to me for the draft.
    5. karlos
    6. anthak
      Hi folks, you’ll see the draft time is now set.

      I was preparing a new blog post but ran out of time this morning. I’ll hopefully get it posted later today
      • Like Like x 2
    7. Len
      Hi mate, time says 7.30am, I thought it might be US time but time to draft equates to a 7.30am timeslot also
    8. port_leschenault
      In again but keep harassing me or I'm going to forget me. Strewth last year was a mare with injuries
      • Like Like x 2
    9. anthak
      Yeah it’s 7:30am New York time.
      Should be 9:30pm Melbourne time.
      I think it’s right. I just used a time/date converter on the net.
    10. Len
      I am clueless so bow to your knowledge in this sphere mate, but this countdown clock suggests it's 7.30am (our time)?
      Obviously there is a daylight savings change to happen also, but in 8h and 44 mins it will be 7.30am local
      • Like Like x 2
    11. anthak
      yeah you're right.
      We've always had to set it to New York time in the past, but it looks like they've changed it this year to pick up on the local time. In the draft part of settings it says it is GMT+11, which is Melbourne time on Oct 14th.
      I'll change them all

      Thanks for alerting us to it
      • Like Like x 2
    12. Rad_E_Cool
      I'm in again this year. Thanks for getting the ball rolling Ant
    13. Len
      Looking good now mate ta
    14. anthak
      only problem is that we cant choose 9:30pm... 11pm is closest.

      Im still not finished writing the new blog post. Hopefully i'll get it done tomorrow......
      • Like Like x 1
    15. Len
      Will no doubt be easier when closer, lotta people in bed at that time on a Sunday, I am wide awake at that time usually, but rarely sober enough to draft :p
    16. yumcha
      I’m in again
    17. James84
    18. Danners
    19. Trav00
      Hey Guys.
      I'm in.
      Have also re set up the tooserious keeper league and asked for another helper in the league. Looking at making a couple of changes to open up the league a bit more.
      Hope y'all are great!
      • Like Like x 1
    20. anthak
      Apologies, the new blog post I was in the middle of has had to go by the wayside due to RL issues. I won’t be able to work on it for the next few days either, so I hope to get it done later this week.

      I’ve also got a bball grand final on Thursday evening :D which might get in the way too, but it’s about then I hope to post it...

      Good to see more people are re-joining for the new season. Still quite a few to go though.

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