TS-SA League 2012

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by TerryinBangkok, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah this League is now as full as Brett Ruttens XXXXXL shorts!

    Good to have you aboard homerj; go the chick power.
  2. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Welcome aboard homerj, and thanks for giving us some much needed female presence in the league.

    Looks like we are getting a strong line-up together in the TS-SA League now - be good to give the Vics a run for their money ;)

    Here's hoping Gabbie manages to find time from her busy work schedule to join up as well (I also need her in the Port league).
  3. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Looking at the league, I find there is several coaches signed up without mentioning here in this thread!!!

    Could everyone please post in here their team name so we all know who is who from amongst the TS community???

    At present we have the following teams/coaches that I know:

    - Bear's Bruisers / Bearfly;
    - Be Afraid / TheOnion;
    - Tunas / bfish;
    - Knucklebusters / Knucklebusters;
    - Lethaldons / Lethaldons;
    - 007 Golden Guns / homerj;
    - SaladDodgers / WillS;
    - BungKnee@23 / BungKnee23;
    - Knights who say Ni / gravenger;
    - Mighty Croweaters / saborn;
    - OT_FanClub / albafanclub;
    - Elites / SC_Dave;
    - Spuds & Donuts / hense;
    Also we have Shags Nags on board whose 2011 record speaks for itself!!!

    Can the other 4 coaches please post in here which team belongs to them over the next few days please - I will be sending a PM to Gabrielle to see if she still wants to be part of this and if she does anyone who doesn't post their team name in here will make room for her. Unless of course we can manage to get enough interest to get a 2nd division SA league together!!!
  4. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bear, I've had communication with three keen TS coaches who have registered in the league...

    Mighty Croweaters/saborn
    Elites/SC_Dave (??)....we have 3 David's in the comp, but I reckon this is Elites based on the fact he is the only 'Dave'

    tonessturt also expressed interest but can't see a Tony in the league so presuming he didn't go ahead.

    I have also put the following message up on the League Psyche Out board ...

    Urgent. Can everyone please read the 7/3 post by Bearfly on the TS forum Forum » AFL » Leagues » TS- SA League 2012. You will need to confirm on this thread to ensure your spot in this league.
  5. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers Onion,
    I also had 5 expressions of interest when we were discussing this however they are yet to respond to PM's I sent them!!!
    Thanks for confirming those 3 names for me - now only need to clarify the remaining 5!!!
  6. hense

    hense New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry i didn't do this earlier folks, my team name is Spuds & Donuts.

    I'm looking forward to a highly competitive and fun league with fellow Croweaters - with a bit of friendly banter of course! ;) If a spot needs to be opened for others let me know and I'll make way.
  7. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers for posting Hense
    And rest assured, your spot is safe now ;) especially after using that magic word, banter!!!
    There's plenty of that flowing on the chat during games, so come game time (even NAB) drop into chat and add to the fun (and dribble) :D
  8. homerj

    homerj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the welcome guys!! Sorry I didn't mention my intention of joining this league earlier, I meant to do it end of last year when all the league talk was around but think I got a bit too involved in ladies league thread!! LOL!
    I hope I can contribute to a strong league. I've done alright the past two years being in top 1% nationally. I will admit I am a bit daunted joining 2 TS leagues, think all of you will give me a real run for my money! My husband reckons I will be in the 'spud league' (ie bottom eight) but that just gives me extra incentive to prove him wrong!! (After all I did knock him off in our mates' league GF last year!! Resulting premiers certificate has pride of place on our fridge! LOL! :)
  9. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I always had you in mind to approach homerj - I had been reliably informed in a PM that you were someone we should get in - and being inside the top 1% is exactly the type of coach we need to give those Vics a run for their money :)

    Also, I have updated my post from the other day with team names / TS member names - still need 4 coaches to identify themselves asap
  10. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey guys and gals - Have got Jimbowan keen to join (last 2 finishes 500th & top 3000).
    Also still keen to get Gabrielle in the league too.

    The question is, with 4 coaches not announcing in this thread who they are from the TS community, who do we drop out???
    Have a gander at the earlier post with team names/TS member name then the league page on SC and let me know by PM who of the 4 unannounced coaches we should let go.

    @ homerj - have you heard anything from Gabrielle lately???
  11. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Does anyone have any idea who from TS are the coaches of the following teams???

    Frijoles, The - Matthew;
    Norfolk in Chance - George;
    Willy's Guns - Ian

    These are the only teams left without me knowing who they are in the TS community after having the confirmation that DaPower is Dave80.

    Therefore the above mentioned 3 teams are the one's in the gun to make way for Jimbowan & Gabrielle
  12. SC_Dave

    SC_Dave Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bungknee23, had assumed you were a Crows fan referring to Andrew McLeod.
  13. SC_Dave

    SC_Dave Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guy's, just discovered this "Leagues" thread today.

    Thanks to the Onion for putting me onto this and just to confirm that I am coach of "Elites".

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