[TS] Trading Games 2012

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by Julz88, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HEB - Im sure someone else on the bus had the same problem. you just needed to look for them.
    May well have been someone from this league, seeing as most of us dont know who the hell we all are in the real world!
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TheTassieHawk on May 16, 2012, 10:50
    @HEB - thanks for sharing !! lol !!

    @anthak - it would be good to hear a definat Chris Scott style "Don't write us off" from down your way - or at least a review of how your/Michelles Tradign Games Premiership Defence so far !!

    haha. ok then... DONT WRITE US OFF!

    I did have a similar thing happen to me as Heb, near start of season, where right at lockout i was a little too slow in chaging the cap from Pendles to GAJ, and lost out 120 points for it...

    But that is not an excuse. I have still been playing, and what it comes down to is that some of my decisions have not been great.

    I remember last year, I made a double trade in round 4, bringing in Boomer and Droopy, with instant results. They scored about 280 between them that round and it was a good little PoD boost.

    This year, with not a whole lot separating lots of us, we all would just need something like that to go our way to get up amongst the leaders or in some peoples cases, pull away at the front.

    My 3 upgrades Ive done so far this year have all been pretty bad decisions, but they do still have time to make ammends. Malceski, MMurphy and ROK. Whereas last year, trade after trade seemed to work out for me.

    I think the byes will sort a lot of us out, and even though I havent even started my planning for them, I still hold hope that I can move up the ladder through those three rounds. :)

    Its a long season. Never write of a champion (even if it is only from winning the previous year) hahaha :mrgreen:
  3. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am gettign my dad to decide between
    - a downgrade/upgrade this week (probably NDs/brennan for bugg/dmsith)
    - or to hold off for a week, wait to see what Sheedy does and see whetehr Ellis bounces back form wise !!

    By holding off he should be able to do 2*upgrade/downgrades in Rounds 9 & Round 10, get 2 fallen premiums on board, have 14 trades and (hopefuly) half decent rookie coverage heading into the byes.

    Is anyone else in Trading games tossing a coin on whetehr to upgrade this week ??
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got a bit of left over coin from last week, so im considering doing a double upgrade. I will definitely do 1, but maybe 2 depending on if I have enough to get two quality players in. I'm not even bothered to work it out until teams are announced tonight.
  5. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow, i finally pulled every right reign this week. went porps>danger and bugg>brennan. Looking like ill get over 2500.
  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I did the porps to danger trade too :)

    Bloody Marc Murphy though. I traded him in really early in season. Thought he would be a great PoD in this comp, but it has just gone from bad to worse since I brought him in. Now, I'm forced to work out what to do with him

  7. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Round 8 results ...<img src="http://tooserious.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/b6ocu-ROUND8.jpg" />
  8. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ... and Overall ...
    <img src="http://tooserious.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/hn1dr-ROUND8-OVERALL.jpg" />
  9. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I can't lie...feels good to hit top spot, but have burnt some trades getting there.

    TheOnion has put a couple good scores together to climb the ladder a bit.

    Who still thinks they can catch me!
  10. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks Wars. And well done on hitting the lead. :)

    I reckon I can still catch you. I just gotta work out what to do with Marc Murphy first ...
  11. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Updated prior to Round 9 (this weks changes in CAPS)

    Note 2 teams marked ** have been added this week as they have risen to 9th/11th overall

    HEB (6) = SPURR/Greene/Treloar/Jmac/Zaha/TADAMS IN, PAINE/WInagrd/Csmith/Miles/Fyfe/KENENDY Out

    HOTRODZ (6) = Mohr/Jmac/Treloar/horsely/Dangerfield/Sidebottom IN,
    Lake/Miles/Csmith/Wingard/Hall/Fyfe OUT = NO CHANGE

    STOWIE (7) = SPURR/Shiel/Jmac/Treloar/Horlsey/Robinson/Beams IN, ELLIS/Wingard/Miles/Magner/Kenendy/Hall/Fyfe Out

    ** RED ONION (7) = Boyd/Horlsey/J-MAc/Sidbottom/Treloar/Tadams/Pfeiffer IN, Wingard/Magner/Csmith/Miles/Fyfe/Dsmith/ Smedts OUT

    WW (8) = Suckling/Hurn/Shiel/Jmac/Horlsrey/Tadams/Nroo/Treloar IN, Shaw/Broughton/Csmith/Miles/Wingard/Paine/Fyfe/Hall OUT = NO CHNAGE

    TTREX (9) = Waters/Clarke/Masten/Jmac/Horlsey/JpKennedy/ SIDBEOTTOM/SAAD/Dangerfield IN, Broughton/Lake/Wingard/Miles/Csmith/Ablett/MAGNER/HALL/Fyfe OUT

    PHILS (9) = Scotland/Firrito/SHAW/Greene/Treloar/Horlsey/Beams/Dixon/SAAD IN, Shaw/Broughton/ BUGG/Miles/Wingard/Csmith/Paine/Fyfe/KENNEDY OUT

    NOOOOOO (9) = CDELAYNEY/Mohr/Rance/Hayes/Greene/Jmac/TAadms/Sidebottom/Milera IN, Lake/Ellis/BUGG/Ablett/Wingard/Miles/Kkennedy/Fyfe/Paine OUT

    CB (9) = Geary/Clarke/ SPURR/Treloar/Murphy/Greene/Horlsey/StevieJ/Beams IN, Shaw/Broughton/MORRIS/C Smith/Wingard/Miles/Magner/Hall/Fyfe OUT

    NISEKO (10) = SPURR/Hurn/Shiel/Murphy/ R GRIFFEN/ Horlsey/BEams/Roughy/Trelaor/Tadams IN,
    Shaw/ BUGG Miles/Ablett/Winagrd/SHIEL/Magner/Dsmith/Fyfe/Hall OUT

    RM (10) = Hurn/Mohr/SPURR/Greene/Jmac/Nroo/Goodes/SIDBEOTTOM/Whitecross/Tadams In,
    Broughton/Lake/BUGG/Wingard/Csmith/Miles/Fyfe/GOODES/Martin/Paine OUT

    WL (11) = Spurr/BRENNAN/Ebert/Jmac/Treloar/Horlsey/Tadams/Kreuzer/Sidebottom/DANGERFILED/Darling IN, Paine/BUGG/Wingard/Csmith/Miles/Magner/Kennedy/Cox/PORPS/Fyfe/Hall OUT

    CC (12) = DUFFILED/Clarke/Treloar/Stanton/Murphy/Greene/Jmac/Horlsey/Tadams/Christensen/Milera/Petrie IN, Shaw/Broughton/Ablett/Wingard/Miles/Csmith/Jmac/Magner/Dsmith/Fyfe/Hall/KENNEDY OUT

    SH (12) = Clarke/Ziebell/Gibbs/Jmac/Horlsey/Hmac/RStanley/Pfeiffer/Sidebottom/JROO IN, Smedts/Csmith/Ablett/Miles/Winagrd/Cox/Paine/Hall/Fyfe/KENNEDY OUT

    ** RG (13) = Scotland/Bower/Mohr/Brennan/STanton/Barlow/Greene/Horlsey/McDonald/Nroo/Whitecross/Milera/Treloar IN, Smedts/Lake/Bugg/Morris/Csmith/Ablett/Miles/Winagrd/Magner/Paine/Dsmith/Fyfe/Kennedy OUT

  12. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    INS for the above 15 teams (CAPS had at least one IN this week)
    Jmac 12, Treloar 11, Horlsey 11, TADAMS 8, Greene 7, Sidebottom 7, SPURR 6, Clarke 4, Mohr 4, Beams 4, Hurn 3, Murphy 3, Shiel 3, DANGERFILED 3, Nroo 3, Milera 3, JACOB BRENNAN 2, Scotland 2, Stanton 2, Pfeiffer 2, SAAD 2, Whitecross 2, Firrito 1, Watersc 1, Geary 1, Rance 1, Suckling 1, HSHAW 1, CDELANEY 1, , DUFFIELD 1, Bower 1, JpKennedy 1, Masten 1, Hayes 1, Ebert 1, Ziebell 1, Gibbs 1, RGRIFFEN 1, Boyd 1, Barlow 1, Zaharakis 1, Robinson 1, StevieJ 1, Christensen 1, Goodes 1, Dixon 1, Darling 1, Petrie 1, RStanley 1, JROO 1, Roughy 1, Kreuzer 1, Hmac 1

    OUTS for the above 15 teams (CAPS had at least one OUT this week)
    Fyfe 15, Miles 15, Wingard 15, Csmith 11, HALL 9, PAINE 8, KENNEDY 8, MAGNER 8, Broughton 6, BUGG 6, Ablett 6, Shaw 5, Lake 5, Dsmith 4, ELLIS 2, MORRIS 2, Smedts 3, Cox 2, Jmac 1, SHIEL 1, GOODES 1, PORPS 1
  13. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Don't be hiding the HotRods trades!!

    HOTRODZ (6) = Mohr/Jmac/Treloar/horsely/Dangerfield/Sidebottom IN,
    Lake/Miles/Csmith/Wingard/Hall/Fyfe OUT

    Surprised to see some teams still running with Csmith/Hall/Paine. I don't see them getting many more goes at it soon.
  14. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon the teams settled in behind you would be fairly confident (whether they post here or not) as they would be backing their PODs to greater scorting and less inuries/suepsnsions/resting than yours between now and round 23

    I think there are half a dozen teams with a real shot at the moment - my dad’s included.

    Of course that all changes if you smash it the next 2-3 weeks and get out to a 250-300 point lead over the bunch.

    Good luck !
  15. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from warsaken on May 21, 2012, 13:39
    Don't be hiding the HotRods trades!!

    HOTRODZ (6) = Mohr/Jmac/Treloar/horsely/Dangerfield/Sidebottom IN,
    Lake/Miles/Csmith/Wingard/Hall/Fyfe OUT

    Surprised to see some teams still running with Csmith/Hall/Paine. I don't see them getting many more goes at it soon.</blockquote>

    fixed now !
  16. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TheTassieHawk on May 21, 2012, 13:46
    you smash it the next 2-3 weeks and get out to a 250-300 point lead over the bunch.

    Thats the plan!!
  17. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from warsaken on May 21, 2012, 13:39

    Surprised to see some teams still running with Csmith/Hall/Paine. I don't see them getting many more goes at it soon.</blockquote>

    Of the 3 my Dad has Paine - and will be lookign to trade him in the next 3 rounds, or if he soemhow manages to play he wil most likely be traded before his bye in Rd12.

    I reckon other Tradings Games coaches will also be cullign their fattest cash cows (or fatetst Rd11 cash cows) first to get upgrades before the byes and keeping 1-2 trades ready to sideways trade around the strong possibility of a double donut for Csmith/Hall/Paine unless bigger priorities emerge.
  18. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well hello, yes I've been MIA. Rattling Mudguards-Steel is me. Yep, I stuffed up on the Duckwwods. Had it all written down, but my 2am eye balls started playing tricks on me. We can work out the diff at the end of the season for correct weigtht/placings.

    Excellent work on the posts guys and gals. I have been going hard on the trades, learnt this of Anthak from last season. Early on for POD I was putting the C on other players, other than Ablett. Mostly players that where playing GWS and Suns. Ouch, fail. Any sub par or dead cash cows traded up to prime beef. Missed getting Horse-Horsley, but you can't get them all.

    Well that brings me up to date. Any questions. I promise to check in each week...hopefully :)

  19. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good to have you around Thunda :)

    That means there are only 3 teams that we don't know TS names of.

    I wonder if GillardsBodyguard is BiPolarBear? Maybe a 3rd team :)
  20. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @anthak - gb is Tommmm wiv lots of m's !

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