Crossy, since you're living OS you should really look at the expats league, because the original idea was that its based on where you are now, not where you're from. You're also welcome to join the Eagles league if you want
<blockquote>Quote from anthak on August 4, 2011, 10:33 I'm in! Not "from" WA, but am currently residing here. And plan to be for some time! Looking forward to it. Thanks JPK for admin'n it all!</blockquote> Don't think I have enough leagues to go in this one any more unfortunately. Unless I decide to leave one that I'm already in, but not sure about that.
hi jpk, yeah no worries mate, im in the expats one too so ill leave the WA one then, and already in the eagles one, cheers mate
hey, Champion Data are looking for people to do stats at WAFL games. if anyone is interested let me know.
This would be so much easier with different forums Walesy ( ) but for now we'll make do with bumping threads. 10 spots left still for any Sandgropers with a league spot spare.
Anthak, I head for a fair few Demons games coz its around the corner from my place. Whats the dealio?
We still need more players in this league - any other TS'ers from WA wanting to join up? While I'm at it, the Eagles league needs one more player