Updates to Too Serious

Discussion in 'Blog' started by jeevesjeeves, Mar 20, 2009.

By jeevesjeeves on Mar 20, 2009 at 11:00 AM
  1. jeevesjeeves

    jeevesjeeves New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The astute punter would have noticed the copy button that popped up last week. Sure, its not perfect, and requires a little work in excel to make it do what you want... but its a rough copy.

    Whats more than a rough copy, and something a quick user would have noticed is the new calculator buttons next to everyones name.

    Thats right! Salary predictions are now up and running. Sure, they wont be 100% perfect (since its the players scores that drives the calculation), but it should be fairly close and will be close enough to give you a rough idea of what to expect.

    So give it a bash and enjoy
    (And if you really want to try breaking things, throw letters in- my world class error handling falls over beautifully. :)) (though negative values are working correctly this year.)

    And finally, to the select few that have been testing the live scoring. Ive fixed a lot of bugs in there, so it should be up and running for round one. But of added benefit will be the pre-game pages. Which, well- its too Friday night to finish, though they will be up by next week.

    Enjoy all and have a good weekend.
    And may all your smokies not be injured in training...


Discussion in 'Blog' started by jeevesjeeves, Mar 20, 2009.

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