Waaaay2Serious Punters order of betting

Discussion in 'On the punt' started by Bearfly, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ravens should win against the Steelers without Big Ben playing.

    BB, I am also getting sick of all these emails. We should only receieve a notification if the bet is a winner. I don't need the system to remind me that we lost a bet.

    Good work Stowie with the NFL tips

    I did a 5 leg multi on the A League/NFL and NBA yesterday. Down to the last 2 legs, I need OKC to win and the Lakers/Rockets under 205.5

    Also a small multi on

    Nets to win
    Ravens to win
    Bulls to win
    Pistons +4.5

  2. Agree Steve, even if it just counted a multi as one bet instead of counting every fold as an individual bet it'd make a massive difference, as well as only sending an e-mail when it's resulted instead of one when it's placed and one when it's resulted
  3. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have them all going to a separate folder, so I guess I don't mind it too much.

    Kept it simple in the NBA today too with Knicks, Nets and Lakers. Pistons +4.5 is a good show, Celtics playing in a lot of close games so far.
  4. What's a "hands to the face" penalty in NFL? Never heard of it before.

    Same as a facemask penalty? Surely they haven't banned stiff-arms
  5. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Facemask is pulling on the mask. Hands to the face is whacking the dude the helmet / neck I think.
  6. Fair enough, cheers. I haven't been able to watch too much NFL in the last couple of years so catching up now and wondering if there were many rule changes.

    I assume then a hands to the face would be out of immediate play then also, like the D-line etc
  7. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have to agree with you fellas regarding the plethora of unnecessary notifications with each multi leg - and it is even more tiresome for me because I cross reference the notifications (bets, winners & losers) with the betting statement from the club's Luxbet account to update the clubs records that I am keeping (which I must admit have fallen a few days being thanks to being crook)!!!

    My thought is that if everyone who is getting annoyed with it fired an email to the PC admins with a suggestion to improve the system they might incorporate it into future upgrades.

    Anyway, without being able to spend too much time updating records the past few days thanks to this bloody gastro virus, I am basing the best performers for month on basic calculations (and also on what has been posted in the commentary box) - so by my calculations Steve with his multi this month puts him in the frame for a 2nd crack - when would you like to take the plunge mate, today/tonight, tomorrow or Wednesday??? :D
  8. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bear - Wednesday would be good for me. I can put the bet on Wednesday night for the NBA games which occur on Thursday our time. Wednesday night in the States is normally the busiest day of the week for the NBA which will mean plently of games to choose from. That way we can increase our chances of winning some coin :)
  9. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here's a copy of an email I sent off to them. I had to email them as their website wouldn't allow me to use their "contact" page.

    Greg Simpson itsgasim@gmail.com
    08:55 (1 minute ago)

    to goodblokesbet@puntclub.com
    Quite a few of our blokes are getting the traybits, receiving all the Commiserations notices when a "multi" goes down. Is there any chance on your next upgrade that we only receiver "Winner" notices in our emails. Nothing worse that logging onto your email account to see 89 messages in your inbox and 86 of them are Commiserations notices.

    OK OK! so that might be a slight exaggeration but I'm sure you know what I mean.

  10. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from choppers on November 19, 2012, 11:59
    Here's a copy of an email I sent off to them. I had to email them as their website wouldn't allow me to use their "contact" page.

    Greg Simpson itsgasim@gmail.com
    08:55 (1 minute ago)

    to goodblokesbet@puntclub.com
    Quite a few of our blokes are getting the traybits, receiving all the Commiserations notices when a "multi" goes down. Is there any chance on your next upgrade that we only receiver "Winner" notices in our emails. Nothing worse that logging onto your email account to see 89 messages in your inbox and 86 of them are Commiserations notices.

    OK OK! so that might be a slight exaggeration but I'm sure you know what I mean.


    And here's Jason's reply...
    Hi Greg
    We are about to release a new version that fixes some of those glitches. If you can bear with us for a week or so all will be sorted. Apologies - its a known (pain in the ass) issue :)
  11. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Got one of those responses as well Choppers - good to see that the eagerly anticipated new version promised to be rolled out this month will eliminate these multiple notifications with multi bets!!!
  12. Bastard of a day on the punt today, won't get much return off of that lot
  13. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bear - hope you and your family are safe from the fires mate. Sounds very nasty today in the Pt Lincoln area.

    I'm starting a new job and will be travelling a fair bit over next 3 months with training and induction stuff. Concerned I won't be on air as much with the TS community until the job settles down. Hope this doesn't impact the Punters Club but rest assured I'm still in. I think you have my personal email if I need a nudge at any point.
  14. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Been a very worrying day over here today mate - and even though the wind change now seems to be keeping the fire front away from the western edge of town I still have a few friends living within the region where the front is now heading :(

    No probs with your new job taking you away from the TS, and more importantly, W2SP community mate, will have the new roster up shortly which will make it much easier for everyone to keep track of when their turn is due as it will be directly linked to the PC order.
    New roster commences on Thursday starting with Daveo, then just follows the PC order down the line and back to the top again :D

    And if need be I can always send you an email or even a text message a day or 2 before you're up in the hotseat (have both your email addy and mobile number) :mrgreen:
  15. Daveo

    Daveo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm sick of munching donuts.
    Maybe if luxbet allowed me to punt on my snapper fishing, it would be winner winner snapper dinner. LOL
    I do like luckygrey so may just apply the K.I.S.S method.
    Keep safe bear with those fires.

  16. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers Daveo, worst is over with the fire, although with the forecast for the weekend heating up with possibly more strong northerly winds things could get hairy again!!! Then there is the further worry of more starting, especially with thunder storms being forecast for Monday eve/Tuesday!!!

    Anyway, I have updated the OP with the new roster fellas - time to see some big winners come through I think, as well as seeing our last 3 donut munchers get on to the board :mrgreen:
  17. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Looks like I will have to put the NBA bets on first thing tomorrow morning as they only have 5 games appearing at the moment on Luxbet. There are 14 games to choose from tomorrow. I want to keep my options open to see if we can make some more coin!
  18. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Steve on November 21, 2012, 19:55
    Looks like I will have to put the NBA bets on first thing tomorrow morning as they only have 5 games appearing at the moment on Luxbet. There are 14 games to choose from tomorrow. I want to keep my options open to see if we can make some more coin! </blockquote>

    From the five showing, surely the Pistons and Blazers are worth a bit of a look at &#36;2+
  19. Owen

    Owen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey guys anybody know what time it swaps over automatically to the next punter? I'm up next and will need to place the bets around 6:30 ish before work.
  20. Runci

    Runci Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    2.30am SA time

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