ORFFW Keeper League Rules (up for discussion)

Discussion in 'ORFFW' started by TheTassieHawk, Jan 19, 2020.


Should we add an additional keeper with or without concessions

  1. Add keeper to 15 and apply concessions

    8 vote(s)
  2. Add keeper to 15 and no concessions

    4 vote(s)
  3. Retain league as is with 14 keepers

    0 vote(s)
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This thread is for keeping track of the ORFFW Keeper League Rules. Note that the rules cover a fair bit of stuff but as long as you understand how the Preseason Draft works and the stated limitations on rucks then the rest can be largely ignored for now.

    - note this opening post (OP) can be tweaked if the majority assert that any of the proposals (such as not having trades) are severely stupid

    ORFFW Keeper Squad Scoring
    • AFLW Fantasy scores will be used for the 2022 (B) season
    • In future we are hopeful that Champion Data/SuperCoach scores will be available for all players and if/when this is the case the ORFFW Keeper competition will vote whether to switch scoring to CD scoring

    ORFFW Keeper Squads
    • Commencing from AFLW Season 7/2022B each season franchises will have a primary list of 22 players.
    • Each week teams will named a squad of 18 players – D1, D2, D3, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, F1, F2, F3, IC1, IC2 plus emergencies (D4,M5,R2,F4, IC3) on each line to cover late withdrawals form the starting 13 players.
    • IC including the IC3 emergency can be any position (ie D/M/R/F).
    • Out of position players are scored at 50%.

    2022B ORFFW Positions
    • Since 2020 AFLW players have had their positions allocated based on a review of their position/s played for the previous AFLW season.
    • New players have had their position/s allocated on review of online articles and club player profiles, with Irish recruits being a complete stab in the dark
    • Commencing from season 2022B, with a larger player pool DPP has been significantly reduced, with squad sizes increased from 21 to 22 for the first half of the season to offset this.
    • During season 2022B the ORFFW will vote whether to adopt AFLW Fantasy positions commencing from the 2023 season,
    • Please note that 2022B ORFFW Positions will match those indicated in the spreadsheet attached to this post (below) and will be correct for the Pre-season Draft (PSD) unless otherwise advised prior to the draft in the OP for the PSD thread.
      • This is intended to allow for participants to say "hey Player X, who is a new player for 2022B is actually a Forward and should be classified as such". Please do so by Tuesday night 9th August 2022.

    2020 ORFFW Keeper Preseason Draft (PSD)
    – to commence at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 (separate blog to be opened shortly)
    • 21 players per team will be selected per banzai draft order – draft to be completed by no later than Tuesday 4th February 2020.
    • A maximum of 3 Ruck eligible players (including DPP) can be drafted per list.
    • Inactive Players who are confirmed to be out for the entire 2020 AFLW season as at the commencement of the ORFFW Keeper Draft are ineligible to be selected in the PSD - these players will be listed in the OP of the PSD Draft thread.
    2020 ORFFW Supplementary Preseason Draft
    • Post naming of Round 1 AFLW teams (likely to be the evening of 6th February 2020) any drafted players not named for AFLW Round 1 can be replaced on any list by any Free Agent who is named for AFLW Round 1 – first in best dressed prior to the start of the Carlton vs Richmond match.
    • Any franchise may nominate a maximum of 2 players nominated as INACTIVE prior AFLW Round 1 and the vacant spot on the 21 player primary list can be filled by any Free Agent who is named for AFLW Round 1 post naming of Round 1 AFLW teams (likely to be the evening of 6th February 2020) – again first in best dressed – up to the start of the Carlton vs Richmond match.
    • Post Supplementary PSD the maximum of 3 Ruck eligible players (including R/F) per list remains in place, inclusive of INACTIVE players.
    • Excluding INACTIVE player supplementary selections and the first 2 supplementary player selections, all subsequent player selections for a franchise affect the following midseason draft order as follows:-
      • 1st and 2nd supplementary selection = no MSD impact
      • 3rd supplementary selection = loss of 2nd Round MSD pick
      • 4th supplementary selection = loss of 1st Round MSD pick
      • 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th supplementary selection = loss of 3rd Round, 4th Round, 5th Round, 6th Round MSD picks respectively

    INACTIVE PLAYER SPOTS (as referred to above)
    • Please note that a maximum of 2 INACTIVE player spots will apply per franchise, in addition to the 21 player primary list.
    • To be eligible in 2020 the player/s must have been officially ruled out for the 2020 AFLW season post their selection in the 2020 Preseason or Supplementary Draft.
    • To be eligible in 2021 the player must have been officially ruled out for the 2021 AFLW season post their selection in any previous draft and they may be added to the INACTIVE list prior to any Preseason, Supplementary or Midseason Draft in 2021 or later seasons.
    • If 2 INACTIVE player spots are already full a 3rd player may replace either of the 2 current INACTIVE players and the player that they replace can be returned to the primary list or delisted.

    Midseason Draft – POST ORFFW Round 5
    • From season 2022B onwards the MSD is not compulsory.
    • A maximum of 3 players from the final 22 player primary ORFFW list for Rounds 1 to 5 may be delisted and teams who do delist one or more players will be able to select either replacement players as appropriate in the MSD.
    • Any franchise with vacant INACTIVE player spots post AFLW Round 5 can nominate a player as INACTIVE and the vacant spot on the 22 player primary list can be filled by an additional draft selection, meaning teams may potentially have up to 5 midseason selections (3 delisted player replacement and 2 INACTIVE player replacement).
    • The MSD will commence at (time and date tbc) provided that all results for ORFFW Keeper Round 5 have been compiled and verified.
    • MSD Draft order is reverse ORFFW ladder order after Round 5, and commencing from 2022B the draft wil run in reverse ladder order for all rounds, rather than as a snake draft.
    • MSD Draft Order will be adjusted for loss of MSD picks that relate to the preceding Supplementary Draft.
    • MSD Draft Order will also be impacted by teams being awarded compensation selections if they are increasing the number of INACTIVE players spots it uses relative to the first half of the season (end of 2nd Round compensation).
    • Inactive Player end of 2nd Round draft pick compensation order will be determined by the INACTIVE players current season average (ie a team with an inactive player averaging 75 picks before a team with an inactive player averaging 50)
    • Post MSD the maximum of 3 Ruck eligible players (including R/F) per list (including INACTIVE players) remains in place.
    Keeper rules and subsequent Pre-season Drafts (2021, 2022 etc)
    • Franchises may nominate a maximum of 11 players they wish to retain from their previous season’s list including currently or previously INACTIVE players. Please note that for 2022B and subsequent seasons the ORFFW has increased the maximum number of keepers to 14 per season including currently or previously INACTIVE players.
    • A maximum of 2 Ruck only eligible players (excluding R/F or R/D) can be retained in the 14 players.
    • A minimum of 8 players will be drafted per side to fill 22 primary list spots. 9 players will be selected if filling one INACTIVE spot and 10 if filling both INACTIVE spots.
    • Draft order will be reverse ladder order (no snake) except for Compensation selections. Please note that for 2022 and subsequent seasons the final 2 rounds will be picked consecutively commencing with the previous years wooden spooners and finishing with the previous seasons premiers.
    • Compensation selections will be awarded if a team is uncompetitive in the previous season (level of compensation to be determined by the Commissioner) or if a team increases the number of INACTIVE players spots it uses relative to the previous season (end of 4th Round compensation).
    • Inactive Player end of 4th Round draft pick compensation order will be determined by the INACTIVE players previous season average (ie a team with an inactive player averaging 75 the previous year picks before a team with an inactive player averaging 50 the previous year)
    No Trading
    • NO TRADES will be involved in this competition, it is intended to be purely a draft and list retention or delisting based competition without the need for much admin during and between seasons other than setting PSD and MSD order and adjusting these for INACTIVE player activity and Supplementary Draft MSD impacts.
    • Note if a large majority wants trading prior to Round 1 each season and this draft rule is overturned it would need to be player for player and not involve draft picks or else the admin burden involved increases substantially.

    Other stuff
    - From season 2022B there will be a self nominated committee of 3 coaches to arrange coach replacement, draft and delist scheduling, COVID replacement arrangements and to develop a medium term strategy for the competiton in an expanded 18 team AFLW environment, including rule changes where appropriate
    - Has anything been missed ?????

    Attached Files:

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  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I assume this includes D/R too?
    Please confirm, because if so, I now have my 3 rucks already.
  3. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The rule was meant to say dpp, now edited.
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  4. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not sure if I'm the only one, probably am, but I am struggling with delisting 45% of my team in a keeper league.
    My enjoyment in both the men's and women's fantasy game comes from drafting youth and watching them develop, essentially backing myself in versus focusing on last years numbers and picking the highest score available to draft.

    With pondering still to do I am looking at potentially delisting an 18yo young fwd I invested pick 3 in who had a slow start and 3 x 19yo two of whom averaged 43 and the other 39.

    I know I keep bringing this up (The low amount of actual kept players), but I do it because it is sucking the enjoyment out of my participation in the league.

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  5. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Point understood @Len, interestingly I checked back to some observations and feedback provided to season 1 of the keeper league, in this thread.

    Whilst we went with teams of 13 aside and squads of 21 instead of 15 and 26 mentioned by yourself in the discussion the plan was to start with a low number of keepers and gradually increase over time, which we have to date - 11 in season 5 and 12 in season 6.

    In my view our approach has helped to distribute both the established and emerging talent to a reasonable degree and moreso than if keeper numbers had been 2 or 3 higher each year so far, whilst noting all teams have found the cuts required painful for varying reasons.

    The above thread notes keeper rules are subject to change and while my immediate focus is the update of the database with around 150 new or reactivated AFLW players post draft, which is actually the reason this thread was created so far ahead.

    I can share that there has been some consideration of proposing 13 keepers for season 7 accompanied by a permanent increase in squad size to 22 (13+5+4 spares) for the entire season, rather than 21 for the first half and 22 for the second, and a significant decrease to the number of dpps in our comp with a desire (if possible) to pursue full alignment of positions with AFLWfantasy.

    The squad size tweak proposed would also make the MSD entirely optional, and I would see a natural progression would be to 15 keepers in the near future (either season 8 or season 9), and more if
    (a) the FW squad size ever increases (likely once the season extends towards 17 games) or if
    (b) the number of teams in the comp drops from 12 to 10, or if
    (c) the midseason draft (after round 5) becomes significantly deeper in quality due to larger AFLW player numbers (120 more players less 12 more listed players gives approx 108 more FW Free Agents in the MSD draft pool, increasing it from around 168 to 276) in an expanded comp, it clearly has been very thin beyond the first 5-6 picks in season 2020 2021 and last season

    Once we have confirmed coaches and the number of FW teams for the upcoming season sometime in July then amongst other things ORFFW keeper numbers (13 or more if desired) can be decided collectively ahead of a mid August delist.
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  6. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers mate, I appreciate it's a work in progress, and I recognise my own approach to drafting makes me something of an outlier.
    I'm unlikely to change approach, old dog, new tricks et al.

    I was expecting to see 14 keepers this year given the jump to an 18 team comp, but maybe the expectation was more hope.

    Either way after reading it was 12 I went back and reviewed the Belle's last season, based on 12 keepers and without having properly reviewed each player who fell out of the 12 these would be my delists;

    The good news is I won't have to focus any research on the first 4 or 5 rounds as I'll be targeting redrafting :)
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  7. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ^^ could well be short of forwards when positional changes go through, if so I reckon your first ever pick (Houghton) is a lock for keeper number 13
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  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @FreoDockers @anthak @That KI Guy

    Looking ahead to 2024 I think it would be timely to increase the ORFFW keeper number for 2024 from 14 to 15, but to decide prior to the upcoming 2023 midseason draft in early October given it may impact on MSD strategy.

    Can you please consider this and advise whether a change is supported.

    The rationale being that an extra keeper (while keeping squad size at 22) hopefully enables three things
    - a much greater chance of the previous season's MSD picks after pick 15 becoming keepers for the next season rather than short term depth picks
    - PSD draft length becomes 30 mins less (based on 2.5 minutes per pick) and a 7 round PSD with rounds 6 and 7 combined should comfortably fit within 3 hours (815pm-1115pm on the East Coast)
    - slightly less churn of fringe players now that the FA pool is increasing in depth

    I recognise that this in theory would favour stronger teams and believe there are a number of simple measures to enable bottom teams to rise faster and prevent the current top teams from establishing a perpetual advantage, potentially including
    - priority draft picks for teams wining 2 games or less (end of 1st, 2nd or 3rd round) distributed at the discretion of the Board
    - teams winning 75% or more of their home and away games over 2 years (ie 12 of 16) and making consecutive finals series are forced to give up a "top 8" player of their choosing for zero compensation as an equalisation measure. Any player/s forced out due to the above being made available to bottom 4 teams in reverse ladder order from the previous season, as Free Agent signings prior to PSD delisting.
    - as an alternative to the previous suggestion and somewhat weaker in comparison above any team finishing in the top 4 for 2 consecutive years (or more) is restricted to 14 keepers instead of 15 for the other teams.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2023
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  9. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Hello to all coaches. Please take the time to read TTH's proposal for an extra keeper for season 2024 and beyond (moving from the current 14 to 15 keepers)

    FW Admin believes to be fair there are three options available to us as we agree in principal that the additional keeper would be advantageous!

    1) Accept the proposal as presented, including an additional keeper to 15 and concessions as presented
    2) Accept the proposal of 15 keepers, and not include the concessions as presented
    3) Keep the league as is with 14 keepers

    Please take the time to vote and register your opinion and any commentary for or against should you feel the need!

    @TheTassieHawk @Len @Tracey @ver_redit_optatum @Schmitty @Chloe @anthak @That KI Guy @Peter W @dmandrews @YAD69
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  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks mate, I have voted
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  12. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  13. ver_redit_optatum

    ver_redit_optatum Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2020
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    I voted for concessions but on the weak side. I'm here for the long term and happy to live with my mistakes.
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  14. Schmitty

    Schmitty Active Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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  15. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With 8 votes assuming majority or 2/3 rules it is confirmed that the keeper number will be 15, hopefully we get a tiebreaking vote concessions wise.
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  16. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  17. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  18. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  19. Tracey

    Tracey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  20. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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